Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week 3 EOC: Work Place Fairness

a. Note that the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) sponsors the site. Why do you believe they would do so?
“In the past, some managers felt their employees were not sophisticated enough, nor had the financial resources, to really challenge policies those employees felt were discriminatory or unfair. It is not true today.” (Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, P. 96) I believe that the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) sponsors the site so that they can have support from outside organizations. Having support from more than one company and/or organization makes it a better organization. When an organization is a nonprofit organization, it is a good idea to get sponsors because it gives them the opportunity to receive outside resources and also money that will help them be more successful without having to feel like the organization has to come up with all of the money, for example. NELA is an organization that wants to help people who have been discriminated (for example) in their workplace. NELA is a create company that helps employees in cases that involve employment discrimination, illegal workplace harassment, wrongful termination, denial of employee benefits, and also other employment-related matters.
b. What specific resources are available on this site? List at least three such resources.
“Web sites such as Workplace Fairness provide significant assistance to any employee with access to the Internet. According to its posted information, Workplace Fairness “provides information about job rights and employment issues around the country and in all 50 states.” (Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, P, 96) Some of the resources that are available on the NELA site are seminars, articles, reports, different advocacy programs, references from the United States’ courts, and many other resources. NELA is a create website that helps every person and/or employee that is facing some sort of discrimination or harassment in their workplace.
c. What are some specific work-related issues you feel would compel an employee to seek out the type of information found on a site such as this one? How can hospitality managers best address these issues?
“It is for workers, employers, advocates and anyone else who wants to better understand, protect, and strengthen workers’ rights.” (Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, P. 96) Since the NELA website focuses on anyone who is interested in knowing more about the protection of someone’s job any situation due to issues with discrimination, illegal workplace harassment, wrongful termination, denial of employee benefits, and also other employment-related matters would be a great issue would compel an employee to seek out information found in the NELA website. An issue that someone might have can be that they have been feeling discriminated in their job because of their color of skin, hair, ethnicity, etc. Also if someone feels harassed. Examples of these issues are those who NELA can help with. I feel that the hospitality managers can best address these issues by researching themselves about what is right from wrong. They should go to this website and do some research so that they are educated enough and they should be able to teach that everyone is equal in their workplace, for example.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 2 EOC: Returning Veterans

There are hundreds of American Soldiers who go flight for our country’s peace, yet they do not think about the challenges that they can face when they return to the civilian world. It is very common for a returning veteran to face PTSD. “War veterans brought PTSD to public attention. But PTSD can stem from traumatic incidents, such as mugging, rape, torture, being kidnapped or held captive, child abuse, car accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, or natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes.” ( Many returning veterans face with PTSD and they also face challenges when wanting to find a regular job in the civilian life. It is not easy for both the veteran and the employer. The veteran has to face with traumatic situations and/or feelings. There whole life may be affected do to a bombing that they experience, for example. Some returning veterans face with many difficulties; some veterans might feel like they are still at war and when they here a simple thunderstorm, for example, they might react like if they were in war. It is very crucial and hard for the employer to hire a returning veteran. An employer might feel scared and/or intimidating when it comes to hiring a veteran because they do not know what fears or traumas they are facing with. Employers have to think about hiring someone who has been trained to shoot anyone who seems to be a threat, for example. Returning veterans face with many difficult situations such as PTSD or not being able to find a job when they return from war. There life could never be the same.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 1 EOC: Best and Worst Jobs

Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to work with amazing organizations and with really great people. I have gained so much from all of the jobs that I have worked for. One of the best jobs that I have had was when I volunteered for St. Peter Catholic Church (at their yearly festival in 2013). I had an amazing job because I had the opportunity to work with some very amazing people who enjoy the music industry. They are people who are also creative like me and I had the opportunity to dance with them and participate in the event. We were in charge of the entertainment aspect of the festival. We had to come up with a few dance routines, as well as to sing in the choir. What I really enjoyed about this job was the fact that I was very busy getting ready for the event, and at the days of the event I was busy as well. A few weeks prior to the event we had to meet with the choreographers and the music instructors to come up with dances and songs for the event; it was a great experience. In the days of the event I also helped out in the food stands; it was a great opportunity to meet new people and talk to them. I had the opportunity to do two different jobs in that festival; work for the consumers and also help entertain them. It was by far one of the best experiences. On the other hand, I’ve had jobs in which I would never like to experience again. As a professional I feel that it is very important to work with others and be a team player. While in school, I had to be a team player when it came to working with others. One day we were assigned a team project and we were also assigned a team; unfortunately I got assigned into a team that did not like to work together (they were not team players). They were people who were very disorganized and we had no communication throughout the project.  We had to develop a group project and present it in front of the class. When it came for team discussion, everyone would take their own path, there was no communication. Some people were in certain areas of the building such as the library and others in the lab or in different rooms. Since there was no communication within the team I had to come up with my own ideas and present my own project. This was honestly one of the worst jobs that I have ever had and I hope I do not have to experience something like this every again.

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

Fashion is not just a popular trend that comes and goes; it’s a form of expression from all of us around. Fashion helps us identify our own unique personality and self-style. Our fashion appearance helps us communicate with others without having to say a world. Without fashion this world would dull, boring, and no one would have a sense of style. This is one of the reasons why I decided to join and follow a career in the fashion industry. Since I was little I’ve always loved to be in style and have always had a passion for clothes. I enjoy learning everyday about new fashion designers and new fashion trends. Fashion has always helped me identify myself and has helped me learned about myself. Every day I enjoy learning more and more about the fashion industry, is not just learning about the clothes and the new styles that are introduced to us every day, but I also get to learn how the business side of the fashion industry works. I have so much to offer to the fashion industry. I have so much passion, dedication, and precision for the world fashion. I know someday I will accomplish many more things in the fashion industry.